You are a true hero of mine…this is FANTASTIC right down to the design and delivery…aside form sending in my next email to 4,000+, let me know how I can ever be of assistance. LB
FeedBack, For Better or Worse!
Spreading the word, 4k at a time…
Hi beth,it was very inspirational to hear you on the morning show today! congrats! you sounded poised, super savvy and passionate about your work. Tom & I especially enjoyed the Canada Post lady squirm on the funding question! Keep on being the earth warrior!:o)m
Check out the Rad Blog in this link
Thank you so much for starting the red dot campaign.It is people like you that inspire us all to help our communities!
You are fantastic.
I blogged about your campaign:
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
Take care,
Forward to a Friend?
Thank you for this wonderful campaign! I have already printed off my letter and left it in my mailbox for my carrier.If I could make one suggestion: could you please add a button on your website that enables people to forward your home page to a list of friends?
Thanks, and good luck for a highly […]
Three Cheers!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For years I have been told that Canada Post is obliged UNDER LAW to deliver admail. I have emailed all my friends and acquaintances about your campaign. Thank you for exposing the red dot option - our forests, and all the fauna and flora that depend upon them, will be the […]
Hi Beth,
I just heard your interview on CBC and checked out the website - what a great, SIMPLE solution!
However, I have one question that wasn’t addressed on the FAQ page. If I put up a red dot and stop having junk mail delivered to my house, what does the mailperson do with it? Is there […]
Junk Mail Warrior
I was so happy to find your website via a Globe and Mail article I read today. I have already printed out the appropriate documentation and yet again I have filled in the No Mail / No Phone form. Back in the mid 90’s I became so fed up with junk mail and phone telemarketers that I […]
I just wanted to say thanks for starting the Red Dot campaign. I know that Canada Post actually started it, but your efforts are bringing into the limelight! And that’s great! Had I have known that Canada Post had such an option I would have signed up for it years ago. Thanks for bringing it […]
More Info
I’m fully supportive of your campaign. Just a clarification of facts. I have worked for CPC, the red dots have been in existence for much more than a year. They are the only way to alert the post office that junk (unaddressed) mail is not desired. People have to register with the local postal depot; […]
Love your campaign, great idea. Now if somehow we could stop the local community newspapers from stuffing their papers with advertising paper that no one reads and usually winds up blowing all around the neighbourhood or getting soaked on the front porch we’d all be better off.
Jeff, Langley
Print advertising has a huge environmental footprint and often only a 1-3% uptake on the offer. The good news is we can say NO! And our collective voices will encourage advertisers to re-evaluate their current marketing strategies and transition into more effective customer-focused and community-based initiatives.
Launching a successful social marketing campaign is the best way to make this happen. That means we are counting on your help to spread the word and continue to make the Red Dot Campaign a success!
- Kudos to Canadian Tire
- Forests Not Phone Books!
- Gratitude as We Welcome Spring
- Ideas for Real Estate Agents
- Red Dot — Bigger Picture
- CMA - Word of Mouth Marketing Seminar
- Use your advertising dollars to give back!
- UN Refugee Agency - With our Thanks
- Canada Post - we need more clarification
- Election Notices - Fairness of Consumers Choice Rules