They said it couldn’t be done. But the team at Markets Initiative made it happen. Using agricultural residues would take the pressure off deforestation — and add some extra income to the farm gate. The pulp and paper process is far more efficient than wood fibers. Here’s to another win:win - find efficiencies while we […]
Archive for May, 2008
June ‘08 Canadian Geographic printed with 20% wheat fiber
Mobile marketing is so much fun!
Just to prove we dont always need paper to get our message across, check out the great information from Toronto’s mobile conference - Canada has a way to go in this area. Interactive mobile marketing gets targeted relevant messages to the right audience. Strict regulations are limiting mobi-spam. Lets fight to keep it that way […]
Three Cheers for Canada Post’s Green Policy!
Montreal Gazette reviews Canada Post’s new green strategy that addresses the environmental impact of direct mail. Red Dot is interviewed and challenges newspapers and phone book companies to follow Canada Post’s leadership. 63% of Canadians surveyed say they often consider the environmental impact of paper-based mail. Check out Canada Post’s new website announcing their “Green […]
Print advertising has a huge environmental footprint and often only a 1-3% uptake on the offer. The good news is we can say NO! And our collective voices will encourage advertisers to re-evaluate their current marketing strategies and transition into more effective customer-focused and community-based initiatives.
Launching a successful social marketing campaign is the best way to make this happen. That means we are counting on your help to spread the word and continue to make the Red Dot Campaign a success!
- Lipstick on a Pig!
- Canada Day E-Thank You to Canada Post
- June ‘08 Canadian Geographic printed with 20% wheat fiber
- Mobile marketing is so much fun!
- Three Cheers for Canada Post’s Green Policy!
- Special thanks to letter carriers who have supported Red Dot!
- Kudos to Canadian Tire
- Forests Not Phone Books!
- Gratitude as We Welcome Spring
- Ideas for Real Estate Agents